Alicia Parlette

An online home for information about Alicia Parlette, SF Chronicle writer and published author.

Coworker, Friend Remembers Alicia April 24, 2010

Filed under: Alicia Parlette — julietmoser @ 10:26 pm
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Bernadette Fay was a copy editor at the Chronicle with Alicia. Along with another friend, she took Alicia to the ER at UCSF Parnassas early morning April 2.

An excerpt from the article:

On the night she was admitted to the ER, a doctor told Alicia Parlette what a brave lady she was. She let the comment go by, but the second time he said it, she told him: “Well, it’s not like I have a choice.”

Bernadette’s article may be read in full here:


On Courage April 16, 2010

Filed under: Alicia Parlette — julietmoser @ 10:48 pm
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I’d like to end this busy week with a peaceful and touching note we received from one of the English teachers at Alicia’s high school (Granite Bay High School) wrote into the site today:

“…I wanted to share some thoughts about To Kill a Mockingbird (her favorite book) that relate to Alicia’s situation. In the novel there is an elderly woman, Mrs. Dubose, who was in a lot of physical discomfort. Atticus, as a punishment for Jem, his son, for chopping down her camellia bushes asks him to read to Mrs. Dubose each day.
