Alicia Parlette

An online home for information about Alicia Parlette, SF Chronicle writer and published author.

Rainbow at Alicia’s Monday night memorial May 13, 2010

Filed under: Alicia Parlette — julietmoser @ 1:16 pm
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Thanks to everyone who joined us, even in the cruddy weather. While Alicia’s high school English teacher was reading selections from To Kill A Mockingbird, there was a break in the rain and then an unexpected gift appeared…

It was captured by someone who was on their way to the service and shared this picture. The accompanying email read:

Emily took this picture as she was walking up to Alicia Parlette’s public memorial service this evening. Synchronicity? Coincidence? No. Faith and Love.


11 Responses to “Rainbow at Alicia’s Monday night memorial”

  1. Chris Briones Says:

    I had read her story for years. Then, out of nowhere, I remembered her and googled her name. I was heart broken to hear the news of her passing. I then found this site and read about the photo taken before her death. When I saw the rainbow…..I lost it. I don’t even know Alicia, but yet, I feel like she was my best friend. What an angel she was.

    Good Bye Alicia.

  2. Lenis Says:

    Christina, I see the double rainbow, too. God gives us many gifts when we let ourselves receive them. Alicia died far too young, but her story has touched me from the first time I stumbled upon it while checking SFGate online for a political story. What incredible spirit that young woman had and it lives on in her family and friends and thousands of strangers who were and are lucky enough to know her through her words.

  3. drew olanoff Says:

    I’m so sorry that I couldn’t make it in person. My heart and mind was there with all of you though.

  4. Charles Says:

    I think that the rainbow was a sign that Alicia’s spirit and courage are there for us. I did pick up a copy of her bookl it is incredible. I would advise people to read it.

  5. C&D Says:

    There are gifts… some are beautiful… some are subtle as a whisper and they are all Alicia. Peace.

  6. edna Says:

    Proof that angels do exist! How absolutely beautiful

  7. Brian Says:

    Rainbows Rule!!

  8. Charlotte Says:

    Alicia was the rainbow!

  9. Anonymous Says:

    Rest in peace Alicia. You will be missed by many!!! “Bless you!” precious Angel of the Lord. You are a courageous role model and I will forever hold you in my heart. My thoughts and prayers go to you your family and friends…
    ……Alicia Parlette is a magnificent writer, a hero, a legend……

  10. Christina Says:

    I don’t know if you can see it, but I think I actually see a DOUBLE rainbow in this photo. The second rainbow is above and slightly to the right-it’s very faint but I see it pretty clearly (either that or I have double vision.) How beautiful for Alicia. I wonder if she liked Double Rainbow ice cream.

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